Control tab
Control tab is the a tab in Prana Breath app for setting your training process the way you like, and with a comfortable training complexity.
[hide]Training parameters video
Watch the following video to get the idea about adjusting the training parameters (for version 7.2)
Control trainings video
Watch the following video to see how to choose and reorder the patterns (for version 7.2)
What can you see and set with Control tab
In action bar
(from left to right)
- The name of the tab — "Control", and faded name of the second tab - "Dynamic"
- "Start training" button
- Menu button, that comprises the following items:
- Details
- Info - if you tap on it, you will be directed to the wiki page
In main screen
- Training chart that will appear in Training tab
- Your total training level mandala (for this particular training type only)
- Actual timing of a breath cycle
- Breaths per minute index
- The number of breath cycle (you can press the arrows you see near it for navigation)
- Training type, with the menu item on the right
- Training level, if applicable for this training type
- Training duration, either in amount of time or of cycles. The "Sand clock" button right to this item lets you to set the duration using another measure
- Ratio of breath cycle, with the button on the right that is a shortcut for advanced ratio settings
- Seconds per ratio unit value
- Preparing time
- Breath methods (for downloaded/custom trainings in Guru version only)
- Chants (for downloaded/custom trainings in Guru version only)
- Sound settings for this particular training. If you see "As usual", that means they are the very same as general sound settings in Sounds tab. Right to this item there is the "Music note" button, that is a shortcut for general "Sounds tab".
- Note for this training type
- Float action button (in bottom right corner) for creating a new Custom training and for downloading patterns from the wiki database.
- Items that you'll see in this tab may differ, depending on the pattern and training chart you've chosen and the app version you are using.
- If you have Dynamic mode turned on, you can see different timing for different breath cycles if you have set them different.
- Items that you'll see in this tab may differ, depending on the pattern and training chart you've chosen and the app version you are using.
Customize the training
Set preparing time for this training type
Preparing time is the time when you tune in the training and exhale as much as you can before starting the session. You can set it for all trainings, as described in Settings tab, and you can set it for each training separately in Control tab:
- Tap on "Preparing time".
- Pick the value you'd like, spinning up/down.
- Press "OK". Note that the preparing time has changed.
Set the particular sound set for this training type
You can set all sounds for a training to be completely different than in Sounds tab so you can adjust each training the way is best for you to reach the specific aim.
- Tap on "Training sounds" item.
- Tap anywhere on the faded screen to activate this fragment.
- Set all sound parameters the very same way that in Sounds tab.
- Press "Apply" after you're done.
- See how many settings that are different from global you have for this training.
Add note to the training
You may find it useful to write a few words about the training. For instance, it's name in your language, or the effect it has on you, or the best time for it to be practiced, etc.
- Tap on "Note" item.
- Write what you'd like and tap on "Save" on top right corner.
- Note that you can edit the note the very same way.