Пречистващ дъх
Пречистващ дъх е допълнителна настройка за тренировъчен вид в приложението Дишай Прана, която е на разположение в Гуру Версията.
Download: Purifying_breath.trng |
- cleansing the airways after exposure to aggressive gases (like evaporation of paint / varnish)
- strengthening the lungs
- energizing the body
- bettering the blood formula
- improving digestion
- removing mind's usual hustle-bustle
Origin, history
This training type is derived from the book of Christopher Kilham "Inner Power". Mr. Kilham has obtained this breathing practice from Ding Le Mei, the student of Tibetan Lama.
The reason why this pattern in included here is the fact that the author of this app has successfully practiced this training type for years and is very pleased by the results.
In Prana Breath this training type is adapted even for people that don't practice any meditative practice and/or don't have much time for practice but still need its effect.
Setting the training
- Download this pattern if you don't have it yet.
- Choose this pattern in Training tab or Control tab.
- Set the optimal training complexity so the training brings you joy, yet doesn't seem too easy. Use the options in Control tab and/or Dynamic tab to adjust all parameters.
Training process
- Choose the comfortable position. For this pattern, it is recommended to stand straight.
- Empty your lungs, breathing out with effort ("Prepare").
- Inhale deeply and slowly through the nose.
- Hold your breath after exhaling. If you are not comfortable with preset "retain" phase, please adjust its duration, using "Dynamic mode".
- Fold your lips tube-like.
- Exhale with your mouth gradually, in portions, pushing the air out with force. Contract your abdominal muscles as much as you can.
- Breathe in easy and shallow through your nose.
- Breathe out through your nose as well.
- Sustain your breath and concentrate on relaxation.
- Keep breathing like in steps 3-9 till the end of your training session.
- After you're done, you might take some time for meditating and contemplating yourself.
- NB! It is recommended to practice this pattern no more than 10 minutes during one session, to avoid lowering CO2 level in your blood.
Други въпроси
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