From Olekdia Wiki
Revision as of 10:11, 19 April 2018 by Oleksandr (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Typ treningu''' jest to schemat gimnastyki oddechowej opisywany takimi cechami jak "Special:MyLanguage/Ratio_of_breath_cycle|s...")
Typ treningu jest to schemat gimnastyki oddechowej opisywany takimi cechami jak "stosunek cyklu oddechowego" and "sekund na jednostkę cyklu", ewentualnie także pewne działania (na przykład nucenie).
Pages in category "Trainings/pl"
The following 47 pages are in this category, out of 47 total.
Prana Breath
- 4-7-8 breathing/pl
- 7 by 7 breathing/pl
- Anti-appetite/pl
- Anti-stress/pl
- Anulom Vilom/pl
- Bahya/pl
- Bhastrika/pl
- Bhramari/pl
- Broken wind breath/pl
- Buteyko breathing/pl
- Calming/pl
- Chandra Bhedana/pl
- Chedvah breathing/pl
- Cigarette replace/pl
- Clear mind/pl
- Coherent breathing/pl
- Distinguished singer/pl
- Ha breathing/pl
- Harmony/pl
- Kapalbhati/pl
- Nadi Shodhana/pl
- Navy Seal breathing/pl
- One Minute breath/pl
- Oxicise/pl
- Power/pl
- Pratiloma/pl
- Prolonged breath/pl
- Purifying breath/pl
- Relax/pl
- Rhythmical breath/pl
- Samaveta/pl
- Savitri/pl
- Sing better/pl
- Singer/pl
- Sitali/pl
- Sitkari/pl
- Smoking to avoid anxiety/pl
- Smoking to avoid sadness/pl
- Smoking to celebrate/pl
- Snuffle-snuffle breath/pl
- Square breathing/pl
- Surya Bhedana/pl
- Treble breath/pl
- Tummo/pl
- Udgeeth/pl
- Ujjayi/pl
- Vrajana/pl