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Time Planner 3.2.0

Надеемся вы чувствуете себе отлично и полны мотивации. Но даже, если это не так, мы знаем как поднять вам настроение. Заканчиваем эту рабочую неделю приятной новостью о глобальном обновлении. Теперь вы сможете упорядочить все-все-все в приложении Time Planner. В первую очередь - это, конечно, теги, которые вы так просили, всплывающее окно с детальной информацией о запланированном при нажатии на день в режиме просмотра месяца, а также новые фильтры и много-много всего интересного. Любители деталей могут ознакомиться со списком ниже.

  • Теговая система; просто напишите ключевое слово после символа # в любом объекте, и он будет протегирован
  • Отдельная вкладка "Теги" справа от вкладки "Категории"
  • Вкладка "Управление" переименована на "Категории"
  • Всплывающее окно при нажатии на день в режиме просмотра месяца во вкладке "Расписание", с детальной информацией о запланированном
  • Поделиться запланированной и залогированной активностями
  • Фильтр по названию или по тегам во вкладке "Статистика"
  • Быстрое изменение выбранной категории во вкладке "Статистика"
  • Активности типа "количество" или "значение" могут иметь до 5 разрядов числа
  • "Архив" вынесен в отдельную вкладку, справа от вкладки "Опции"
  • Масштаб во вкладке "Архив" и в диалоге выбора категории такой же, как и во вкладке "Категории"
  • Опция "выключить будильник" через содержит значение в 1 минуту
  • Обновлена иконка запуска

Time Planner 3.2.0 8

Hope you're all feeling good and motivated. But, if not, we definitely have a way to change it. We decided to finish this week with very good news about a global update! Now you can put in order everything. Thanks to tags that you've requested so much! Also we have a pop-up window when taping on a day in Month view in Schedule tab, with the details about the things planned, more filters and many other equally exciting things, check out the list below.

  • Now the app is in Persian thanks to Fatemeh Fakour
  • Tags are introduced; just type a keyword starting with # symbol in any object and it will be tagged
  • Separate Tags tab right to Categories tab
  • Control tab is renamed to Categories tab
  • Popup window when taping on a day in Month view in Schedule tab, with the details about the things planned
  • Share scheduled or logged activity option
  • Filters by title or by tags in Statistics tab
  • Quick switch of category chosen in Statistics tab
  • Value and quantity types of activity can have up to 5 digits now
  • Archive is moved to a separate tab, right to Options tab
  • Scale in Archive tab and in choose category dialog is the same as in Categories tab
  • "Stop alarm after" option now has 1 minute value
  • Updated launcher icon

Time Planner 3.2.0 8

Hope you're all feeling good and motivated. But, if not, we definitely have a way to change it. We decided to finish this week with very good news about a global update! Now you can put in order everything. Thanks to tags that you've requested so much! Also we have a pop-up window when taping on a day in Month view in Schedule tab, with the details about the things planned, more filters and many other equally exciting things, check out the list below.

  • Now the app is in Persian thanks to Fatemeh Fakour
  • Tags are introduced; just type a keyword starting with # symbol in any object and it will be tagged
  • Separate Tags tab right to Categories tab
  • Control tab is renamed to Categories tab
  • Popup window when taping on a day in Month view in Schedule tab, with the details about the things planned
  • Share scheduled or logged activity option
  • Filters by title or by tags in Statistics tab
  • Quick switch of category chosen in Statistics tab
  • Value and quantity types of activity can have up to 5 digits now
  • Archive is moved to a separate tab, right to Options tab
  • Scale in Archive tab and in choose category dialog is the same as in Categories tab
  • "Stop alarm after" option now has 1 minute value
  • Updated launcher icon

Prana Breath 9.0.3

Prana breath release 9.0.3.png

Today we present you a small update. Small but important! We have finally adjusted the launcher icon and fixed annoying bugs. And in Guru-version you can now share the details of single training session in Log tab.

Have a great time breathing!

Праническое Дыхание 9.0.3

Prana breath release 9.0.3 ru.png

Сегодня демонстрируем вам небольшое обновление. Небольшое, но зато какое важное! Улучшили иконку запуска и исправили ошибки. А в Гуру-версии теперь можно делиться деталями конкретного сеанса тренировки во вкладке "Журнал".

Приятных вам тренировок!

Prana Breath 9.0.3

Prana breath release 9.0.3.png

Today we present you a small update. Small but important! We have finally adjusted the launcher icon and fixed annoying bugs. And in Guru-version you can now share the details of single training session in Log tab.

Have a great time breathing!

Burning out a burnout

The week has just started and you already want the weekend to come? Do you always feel tired and unmotivated? Or maybe you suddenly started to swear with everyone around? Probably you have a burnout.

Time planner burnout 9.jpg

Burning out a burnout

The week has just started and you already want the weekend to come? Do you always feel tired and unmotivated? Or maybe you suddenly started to swear with everyone around? Probably you have a burnout.

Time planner burnout 9.jpg

Как справиться с эмоциональным выгоранием?

Неделя только началась, а вы уже ждете не дождетесь, когда наступят выходные? Усталость и отсутствие мотивации не отстают ни на шаг? Или, может быть, вы вдруг начали ругаться со всеми вокруг? Вероятно, у вас эмоциональное выгорание.

Time planner burnout 9.jpg

Time Planner 3.1

So it's still summertime, and we've got the update that will help you plan your vacation (hope you'll have it!) So in 3.1 version you can clear your usual schedule for for the days off and plan them with ease! Also, now you can search across all the objects in Time Planner, so nothing is lost forever )

Some extra details of this update:
Version 3.1.0

  • Search across all objects within the app
  • Share the text of a task or a note using any app
  • Share text to Time Planner from anywhere and create any object with this text
  • Repeating tasks are back
  • Mark task as completed from task editing dialog
  • "Sum subcategories" switch off shows all subcategories of chosen category in Statistic tab
  • App takes less disk space due to support of Android App Bundle

Time Planner 3.0

It just took too much time to redo lots of things, as we've realized all this thoughtful constructive feedback is worth to be implemented. So in this major update we've fixed some conceptual flaws and from now on, hopefully, updates will be more regular.

For the ones who love the details:
Version 3.0.0 (Massive Star)

  • Google Calendar import option
  • Total UI and conceptual redesign
  • "Activity" is renamed to "subcategory"
  • "Intent" is renamed to "scheduled activity"
  • All scheduled activities are in different bubbles now. Option to merge bubbles, if you like to have them merged as it was before

Prana Breath 9.0

Finally we can breathe out with the new update of Prana Breath! In 9.0 version you will find so many sound settings as we would not imagine like a year ago. There are so many of those that we had to collapse the sections in Sounds tab so new users are not scared. Feel free to explore them, and our new videos will help you with that!
For the ones who like longreads and details:

  • Now the app is in Hebrew, Serbian, Estonian, Vietnamese and Kannada, thanks to Matti Hochmann, Nevena Nikolic, Maarja Nögene, Chumeo_di_hia and Santosh Kumar Upadhyaya!

Prana Breath 9.0

Finally we can breathe out with the new update of Prana Breath! In 9.0 version you will find so many sound settings as we would not imagine like a year ago. There are so many of those that we had to collapse the sections in Sounds tab so new users are not scared. Feel free to explore them, and our new videos will help you with that!
For the ones who like longreads and details:

  • Now the app is in Hebrew, Serbian, Estonian, Vietnamese and Kannada, thanks to Matti Hochmann, Nevena Nikolic, Maarja Nögene, Chumeo_di_hia and Santosh Kumar Upadhyaya!

Праническое Дыхание 9.0

Наконец-то мы можем выдохнуть со свежим обновлением Prana Breath! В версии 9.0 теперь столько настроек звука, что нам и не снилось, к примеру, год назад. Их так много, что даже пришлось свернуть секции во вкладке "Звуки", чтобы не пугать новых пользователей. Приглашаем вас поэкспериментировать со звуками, а наши новые видео вам в этом пособят.
Для любителей лонгридов и деталей, добавим:

  • Теперь приложение переведено на иврит, эстонский, вьетнамский и язык каннада!

Магия Интуиции 4.2.1

Зима еще не окончилась, а у нас готово новое минорное обновление. Теперь Магия Интуиции 4.2.1 магическим образом уберет все те неприятные баги - просто обновитесь!

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