Translations:Time Planner:Release notes/33/en
From Olekdia Wiki
- Now the app is in Taiwanese Chinese, Korean and Dutch thanks to Hsin-yueh Eric Chang, KAGERU, Diana Lucero, Eric Aad 't Hart
- Lots of translations improved, thanks for the efforts of Chitra A Wulandary, Riy Adi, Heegeun Kim, Francesca Fortunato, Antonino Greco and other
- Bubble grid redesign. With less variety of sizes it can be scaled and fill the screen more efficiently
- More text in bubbles, up to 3 lines
- Sort bubbles by time of the day
- Snackbar with "Undo" or "Edit" buttons after you've logged some activity
- Removed option "Prevent device from going to sleep mode"
- Merged options "Values in running activities" and "Values in stopped activities"
- Filter icon is tinted if filter is applied
- Optimized for bigger screens - now side panels don't overlap the main tabs
- Redesign of bubble context menu
- Fixed bugs