User contributions
From Olekdia Wiki
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+24) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/36/zh (Created page with "個人和全球記錄表") (current)
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-12) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "個人和全球記錄表")
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+15) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/35/zh (Created page with "方便的統計") (current)
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "方便的統計")
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+39) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/34/zh (Created page with "具有不同複雜程度的不同遊戲") (current)
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-12) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "具有不同複雜程度的不同遊戲")
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "簡單,快速,優化")
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+24) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/33/zh (Created page with "簡單,快速,優化") (current)
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-9) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "完全沒有廣告")
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+18) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/32/zh (Created page with "完全沒有廣告") (current)
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+27) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/31/zh (Created page with "為什麼用這個程式?") (current)
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+14) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "為什麼用這個程式?")
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+175) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/30/zh (Created page with "魔術直覺-一種可幫助您提高第六感並學習在生活的不同領域中做出有益選擇的應用程序:商業,職業傾向,私人生活,重大購買等。") (current)
- 10:04, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-46) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "魔術直覺-一種可幫助您提高第六感並學習在生活的不同領域中做出有益選擇的應用程序:商業,職業傾向,私人生活,重大購買等。")
- 10:03, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+510) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/29/zh (Created page with "您是否曾經想過,為什麼有些人臨時不登機結果飛機墜毀? 成功的商人如何感受市場趨勢? 您認為您必須對此通靈嗎? 我們每個人...") (current)
- 10:03, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-72) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "您是否曾經想過,為什麼有些人臨時不登機結果飛機墜毀? 成功的商人如何感受市場趨勢? 您認為您必須對此通靈嗎? 我們每個人...")
- 10:02, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+58) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/28/zh (Created page with "改善直覺,玩遊戲! 受益於強大的第六感!") (current)
- 10:02, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-17) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "改善直覺,玩遊戲! 受益於強大的第六感!")
- 10:02, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+12) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/27/zh (Created page with "魔力直覺") (current)
- 10:02, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Magic Intuition:Market strings/zh (Created page with "魔力直覺")
- 10:02, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+30) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Market strings/Page display title/zh (Created page with "魔力直覺:市场字符串") (current)
- 10:01, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+42) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/28/zh (Created page with "查看您玩的每個遊戲的所有索引") (current)
- 10:01, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "查看您玩的每個遊戲的所有索引") (current)
- 10:00, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "詳細審查")
- 10:00, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+12) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/27/zh (Created page with "詳細審查") (current)
- 10:00, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+36) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/26/zh (Created page with "看看今天的誰的直覺最棒!") (current)
- 10:00, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "看看今天的誰的直覺最棒!")
- 09:59, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+15) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/25/zh (Created page with "全球記錄表") (current)
- 09:59, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-8) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "全球記錄表")
- 09:59, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-9) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "自1930年代初以來,用於進行超感官知覺實驗的特殊卡片")
- 09:59, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+73) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/24/zh (Created page with "自1930年代初以來,用於進行超感官知覺實驗的特殊卡片") (current)
- 09:59, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+9) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/23/zh (Created page with "齊納卡") (current)
- 09:59, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-2) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "齊納卡")
- 09:59, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+30) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/22/zh (Created page with "設定方便的遊戲時間表") (current)
- 09:59, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-5) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "設定方便的遊戲時間表")
- 09:58, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+6) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/21/zh (Created page with "提醒") (current)
- 09:58, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "提醒")
- 09:58, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+93) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/20/zh (Created page with "提高您的水平並獲得一项称号,花費並賺取金幣,並與您的懶惰作鬥爭") (current)
- 09:58, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+9) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "提高您的水平並獲得一项称号,花費並賺取金幣,並與您的懶惰作鬥爭")
- 09:57, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+12) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/19/zh (Created page with "激勵機制") (current)
- 09:57, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-5) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "激勵機制")
- 09:56, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+39) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/18/zh (Created page with "每輪以算術速度變得更加複雜") (current)
- 09:56, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-18) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "每輪以算術速度變得更加複雜")
- 09:54, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "尋找隱藏的扇形")
- 09:54, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+21) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/17/zh (Created page with "尋找隱藏的扇形") (current)
- 09:53, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (-10) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "控制遊戲的視覺和聲音效果")
- 09:53, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+36) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/16/zh (Created page with "控制遊戲的視覺和聲音效果") (current)
- 09:53, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+15) . . N Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/15/zh (Created page with "豐富的設定") (current)
- 09:53, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+2) . . Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/zh (Created page with "豐富的設定")
- 09:53, 6 March 2020 (diff | hist) . . (+6) . . Translations:Magic Intuition:Screenshot strings/14/zh (current)
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)